Sincerly I don't think I have got the time to make a meaningful post at this time since Its late and I really have to be going home now. So catch me laters.
An Unedited documentation of my thoughts, desires, emotions and life.
Monday, May 31, 2004
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Friday, May 28, 2004
The day has finally drawn to a close but before
we label the events and happenings of today as past tense I think It will be wise and nice to
look back at the day and see whether:
1. we were able to do what we set out to do
2. we lived as that person within wants us to live
3. the person we see when we look at the mirror will be proud when we do so i.e. look at the mirror
4. we have built ourselves/ others through what we have been doing.
As for me 1st and foremost I want to thank God for having brought me thro' the day, for the strength
He gave me to do what I have done, for the time I have spent, for the people He, for the things I have gone
thro' and what He has in store for me.
I was busy today doing this and doing that; printing, installing, listening to music, talking to pple, moving
from one office to the other, listening to complains, being annoyed with some pple, laughing with some pple, taking coffee,
admiring, despising(wo! all wonder am always tired.) but all in all I can say I lived as far as the day was
concerned and I thank God for that.
Pray that tomorrow will be a successful day too, I will be able to do what God wants me to do and what I set out to do.
May It be that God reaches others thro' me but most of all in works in me. amen
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Things kicked off on a slow and low note in the morning; but as usual I had coffee to help me jump start the day.
Well it wasn't in my thoughts that the day would turn out the way it deed but all in all I truly and deeply thank God for bringing me this far and having given me the opportunity to see this day and do what I have so far do. And above all I thank Him too for what has happened.
Okay we like argued with "newspaper guy" over the machine, since he wanted to install another version of linux on a machine I had already installed linux whose cd I no longer have and I had given him another machine to do that. (but even after trying to tell him he went on right ahead and did it)
This really mad me wonder why he does this and why at the end of it all I end up feeling as though am the one who is a fool and a loser. To make matters worse guys here seem to support what he does.
I have discovered that I seem to have conflicted with almost everyone here at work and am starting to get worried since I don't seem to know what am doing wrong or whats is in me that's causing this.
Later on rose the receptionist talked rudely to me when I asked her for pins to staple my papers and this made me wonder why she did that when all I did was ask for the pins (kindly mark you)
Guys in technical have been treating me with contempt and this I have been enduring without doing anything just putting it to heart, which has started to hurt.
All this makes me feel so caged in, unhappy, emotional and all I want to do is get out of here but I don't know where else to go!
And that's how my day has been.
Am at work right now, trying to me a welcoming as possible, I have lots of work to do but am yet to get started and hopefully finish on time.
Things here are abit quiet but thats nice.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Alot has been said about me by pple I don't know, pple I know, pple I wish I knew, pple I wish I didn't know and the most hurting; pple I held close to my heart.
I have also discovered that we tend to hurt/ want to hurt those that we love more that even those that we hate. Reason I don't know and come to think of it I don't want to know but I would love to know.
Am tired from all of this and all I ask is to smile again and to see the sunrise again.
Monday, May 24, 2004
As I was saying earier alot has taken place in my life and I think its time I slow down a bit with all that's happening right now.
I think the cold am having is one clear indication that I need to slow down abit, evaluate my life, my relationship with God and those near me, its time also I take stock of what I have been doing and where I really want my self to be as I run in this race called life .
Taliking of evaluation I will be making some changes on this blog since I want to see something new around me right now. So do expect changes.
Thanks for reading this and take care.
Things are starting to fall in place of late and the way I see it I might end up feeling quite good about my self after all.
The MD was here a few minutes ago and He saw this blog and funny enough he didn't make any negative comments.
Take care amd I will make more posts later
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Am trying to see whether I can work with two blogs at the same time.
Actually this was my first blog but after I realized the mistakes I made with it I decided to create a new one which I have been using since them.
But I being the gentleman I am I have decided to go back and change it and make the necessary corrections