Fading - Poem By Venus Faiq
You should have arrived much earlier,
Before history starts;
Before dreaming starts.
You should have arrived much earlier,
In order to know you;
In order to introduce you,
to the dawn of my life;
to my mother;
to my childhood friends.
You should have arrived much earlier,
Before love starts;
Before the apple ripens;
Before Adam’s repulsion from Eden.
You should have arrived much earlier,
Before my lifetime gets as long as the way that takes me back;
Before the season of good-bye starts;
Before the season of sorrow and separation;
Before the season of crying and isolation.
You should have arrived much earlier,
Before leaving the tribes behind, near me,
To be burned alive;
Before getting any lessons from the girls,
I see being violated.
You know!
Your arrival now is nonsense!
What is the point of arriving,
After the beginning;
After the event.
Now, it is too late!
You pass by my voice.
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